Terjemahan Lirik Warcloud – Dead Man And His Step Son

Warcloud | Judul Lagu: Dead Man And His Step Son

Holocaust was hit by a meteorite
Holocaust dilanda sebuah meteorit
He is now to be addressed as Warcloud
Dia sekarang harus dialamatkan sebagai Warcloud

“Eighty shots to the mouth and the brain, shoutin my name” -> Warcloud
“Delapan puluh tembakan ke mulut dan otak, meneriakkan namaku” -> Warcloud
“Eighty shots to the mouth and the brain, shoutin my name” -> Warcloud
“Delapan puluh tembakan ke mulut dan otak, meneriakkan namaku” -> Warcloud
“Eighty shots to the mouth and the brain, shoutin my name” -> Warcloud
“Delapan puluh tembakan ke mulut dan otak, meneriakkan namaku” -> Warcloud
“Eighty shots to the mouth and the brain, shoutin my name” -> Warcloud
“Delapan puluh tembakan ke mulut dan otak, meneriakkan namaku” -> Warcloud

The Red Sox traded Babe Ruth to the Yankees
Red Sox memperdagangkan Babe Ruth ke keluarga Yankee
An ant swimmin' in orange juice, I'm loose
Semut swimmin ‘dalam jus jeruk, saya longgar
Diabolical, the skeleton makes green
Diabolik, kerangka itu menjadi hijau
bio-freak out of cell eighteen escape clean
Bio-freak keluar dari sel delapan belas pelarian bersih
An old jagged fence where you hang your clothes to dry
Pagar bergerigi tua tempat Anda menggantungkan pakaian agar kering
Shake the apple tree where the burial grounds fly
Kocok pohon apel tempat pekuburan terbang
Never unclever, smoke goes up the chimney
Jangan sekali-kali, asap naik cerobong asap
Keep a clenched fist for funny niggas that envy
Pegang tinju mengepal untuk niggas lucu yang iri
Flick my ciggarette in the dirt after I curse
Jentikkan ciggarette saya ke kotoran setelah saya mengutuk
Stagger through the street's the worse from the hurse
Sambil terhuyung-huyung melewati jalan semakin buruk dari gempar
Three weed ballers are striked down at the steel mill
Tiga balok gulma ditumpuk di pabrik baja
Soon comes today spreadout because I will kill
Segera datang hari ini menyebar karena saya akan membunuh
Paint the covers red my thorns from above the sky
Cat selimut merah duri saya dari atas langit
Follow the shadow of a butterfly while others die
Ikuti bayangan kupu-kupu sementara yang lain mati
Grandfather's throng skipped to my loo
Rombongan kakek melompong ke toilet saya
The all station man, sick like the flu
Semua orang stasiun, sakit seperti flu
Guns are his favourite, meet Skeleton Lole
Senjata adalah kesukaannya, bertemu Skeleton Lole
Wind in the trees, MC's carrode
Angin di pepohonan, MC’s carrode
The diabolical Warcloud strikes again
Si jahat Warcloud menyerang lagi
Once known as Holocaust who slaughtered men
Pernah dikenal sebagai Holocaust yang membantai pria

“Chump-chump-ass niggaz eyein me temp me
“Chump-chump-ass niggaz menatapku dariku
I'll break it down simply I'm horrifyingly empty” -> Warcloud
Aku akan memecahnya hanya aku ngengat kosong “-> Warcloud
“Chump-chump-ass niggaz eyein me temp me
“Chump-chump-ass niggaz menatapku dariku
I'll break it down simply I'm horrifyingly empty” -> Warcloud
Aku akan memecahnya hanya aku ngengat kosong “-> Warcloud
“Chump-chump-ass niggaz eyein me temp me
“Chump-chump-ass niggaz menatapku dariku
I'll break it down simply I'm horrifyingly empty” -> Warcloud
Aku akan memecahnya hanya aku ngengat kosong “-> Warcloud

There's Dead Man's lab out on the breeze
Ada laboratorium Pak Mati di angin sepoi-sepoi
Cat at the window, swarm of Killa Beez
Kucing di jendela, kawanan Killa Beez
Wait 'til the da
Tunggu ’til da

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