Teddy berguling sekarang paling setiap malam
Skatin' backwards at the speed of light
Skatin mundur ke arah kecepatan cahaya
He's changed in a thousand little ways
Dia berubah dalam ribuan cara kecil
He's changed yes indeed
Dia sudah berubah ya memang
You know he's movin' on metal yes he's
Anda tahu dia sedang bermain di logam ya?
Hanging tight with the Jack of Speed
Bergantung ketat dengan Jack of Speed
Sheena's party there's a case in point
Pesta Sheena ada contohnya
That right wing hooey sure stunk up the joint
Sayap kanan itu benar-benar menempel sendi
He's gone he walks through the old routines
Dia pergi dia berjalan melalui rutinitas lama
But he's gone guaranteed
Tapi dia sudah pergi dijamin
He may be sittin' in the kitchen, but he's
Dia mungkin duduk di dapur, tapi memang begitu
Steppin' out with the Jack of Speed
Steppin ‘keluar dengan Jack of Speed
You maybe got lucky for a few good years
Anda mungkin beruntung selama beberapa tahun yang baik
But there's no way back from there to here
Tapi tidak mungkin kembali dari sini ke sini
He's a one way rider
Dia seorang pengendara satu arah
On the shriek express
Terdengar teriakan
And his new best friend is at the throttle more or less
Dan teman barunya yang baru ada di throttle lebih atau kurang
He can't hear you honey – that's alright
Dia tidak bisa mendengarmu sayang – tidak apa-apa
Pack some things and head up into the light
Kemas beberapa hal dan naikkan ke lampu
Don't stop – he'll be callin' out your name
Jangan berhenti – dia akan memanggil namamu
But don't stop when you hear him plead
Tapi jangan berhenti saat mendengarnya memohon
You better move now little darlin' or you'll be
Sebaiknya kau pindah sekarang sedikit darlin ‘atau kau akan begitu
Trading fours with the Jack of Speed
Perdagangan beroda dengan Jack of Speed