Terjemahan Lirik Organized Konfusion – Releasing Hypnotical Gases

Organized Konfusion | Judul Lagu: Releasing Hypnotical Gases

As you look from whenceforth I come; riding the wind
Saat Anda melihat dari mana saya datang; mengendarai angin
thus eliminating competition from bird's eye view I'm
sehingga menghilangkan persaingan dari pandangan mata burung saya
descending in helicopters in a village raid
turun dalam helikopter dalam serangan desa
Flesh will burn when exposed to the poetical germ grenade
Daging akan terbakar saat terpapar granat kuman puitis
I'm highly intoxicating your mind when I'm operating
Saya sangat memabukkan pikiran saat beroperasi
on cell wars to membranes cytoplasms to protoplasms
pada perang sel ke sitoplasma selaput pada protoplasma
Disintegrate em eliminate em now no one has em in battle
Terpecahnya em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em emos em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em em
I display a nuclear ray that'll, destroy bone marrow in cattle
Saya menampilkan sinar nuklir yang akan menghancurkan sumsum tulang pada ternak
Thereby destroying the entire food supply
Dengan demikian menghancurkan seluruh persediaan makanan
that's crawling with AIDS, maggots, flies
Itu merangkak dengan AIDS, belatung, lalat
It's ironic, when a demonic, government
Sungguh ironis, saat iblis, pemerintah
utilizes bionics and a six million dollar man to capture me
menggunakan bionik dan enam juta dolar untuk menangkapku
Clever, however; you could never ever begin to apprehend a hologram
Pintar, bagaimanapun; Anda tidak akan pernah pernah bisa menangkap hologram
Who's determined to fight solely, to defend in wars a land of the holy
Siapa yang bertekad untuk berperang semata, untuk membela di medan perang yang suci
I threw I-raq/a-rock and I-ran/I-ran
Saya melempar I-raq / a-rock dan I-ran / I-ran
cause I couldn't stand anymore within the depths of the sand
Sebab aku tidak tahan lagi di dalam pasir
So don't ask me Hu-ssein/who-sane
Jadi jangan tanya saya Hu-ssein / siapa-waras
cause the hypnotical gases are eating my brain
Sebab, gas-gas menghipnotis memakan otak saya

{oxygen levels, check it, hydorogen levels, check it
{tingkat oksigen, periksa, kadar hidorogen, periksa
nitrogen levels.. check it}
tingkat nitrogen .. check it}

Twenty-thousand leagues down below,
Dua puluh ribu liga di bawah,
minus one-hundred and forty-three degrees
minus seratus empat puluh tiga derajat
Seize the info, gather the archaelogists
Ambil info, kumpulkan para arkeolog
The aftermath needs to follow this cause it's, deep
Akibatnya harus mengikuti penyebab ini, dalam
Equivalent to the esophagus, spreads to scientists
Setara dengan kerongkongan, menyebar ke ilmuwan
a.k.a. Optimus Prime — time, television is, dead
a.k.a. Optimus Perdana – waktu, televisi, sudah mati
on this issue and very much irrelevant to this intuition
tentang masalah ini dan sangat tidak relevan dengan intuisi ini
de-leting any alias info and descriptive
de-membiarkan alias info dan deskriptif
Mortal calm, partition with infrared light, vision
Mortal tenang, partisi dengan cahaya inframerah, penglihatan
precision, beams
presisi, balok
Colors, reds, fuschias, lime-greens
Warna, merah, fuska, hijau kapur
Black, don't you know my formulas form dope lyrics
Hitam, apa kau tidak tahu rumus saya membentuk lirik obat bius
uplift spirits and yo I hear it's fatal
semangat angkat dan yo aku dengar itu fatal
to walk the pat
untuk berjalan tepuk

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