Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Bill Monroe & His Bluegrass Boys – Old Old House

Bill Monroe & His Bluegrass Boys | Judul Lagu: Old Old House

There's an old, old house that once was a mansion
Ada rumah tua tua yang dulu merupakan rumah besar
On a hill overlooking the town
Di atas bukit yang menghadap ke kota
But time has left a wreckage where once there was beauty
Tapi waktu telah meninggalkan puing-puing dimana dulu ada keindahan
And soon the old house will tumble down
Dan segera rumah tua itu akan runtuh

But when the leaves start to fall in autumn
Tapi saat daun mulai jatuh di musim gugur
And the raindrops drip from the trees
Dan tetesan air hujan menetes dari pepohonan
There's an old old man who walks in the garden
Ada seorang tua tua yang berjalan di kebun
And his head is bowed in memories
Dan kepalanya tertunduk dalam kenangan

They say he built the mansion for the love of a woman
Mereka bilang dia membangun rumah untuk cinta seorang wanita
They planned to be married in the fall
Mereka berencana menikah di musim gugur
But her love for him faded in the last days of summer
Tapi cintanya padanya memudar pada hari-hari terakhir musim panas
And the house stands empty after all
Dan rumah itu kosong

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