Ayo pergi!
Lets Go!
Gadis-gadis di pinggiran kota
The girls in the suburbs
Mereka memakai cincin hidung yang terbuat dari Phosphor
They wear nose-rings made of Phosphor
Bibir mereka berwarna biru
Their lips are blue
Rambut berwarna hijau
Hair is green
Mereka mendapat tindikan di telinga mereka.
They got piercings in their ears.
Menempelnya dari saku
Sticking it out the pockets
Beberapa botol bir
Some bottles of beer
Mereka berlari melewati jalanan
They’re running through the streets
Dan setiap tempat mereka pergi
And every place that they go
Apakah bau busuk di udara?
Is a stench of fuel in the air.
Gadis-gadis di pinggiran kota
The girls in the suburbs
Mereka semua lari
They all ran away
Menendang alarm
Kicking the alarm
Suara sirene
The sirens Sound
Lonceng mereka berdering
The bells they ring
Anak-anak mulai menjerit
Children start to scream
Sekolah Membakar!
Schools Burning Down!
Sekolah Membakar!
Schools Burning Down!
Sirene di kejauhan
The sirens in the distance
Luka bakar sangat bagus
It burns so good
Seperti kayu bakar
Like Firewood
Dimana sekolah itu Berdiri
Where the school is Stood
Semua orang bilang!
Everybody say!
Gadis-gadis di pinggiran kota
The girls in the suburb
Mereka memakai cincin hidung yang terbuat dari fosfor
They wear Nose-rings made out of phosphor
Radio muncul sampai pukul sebelas
Radios turned up to eleven
Punk rock terngiang di telinga mereka
Punk rock ringing in their ears
Lalu datang satu sama lain,
Then came each other,
Dengan api yang menyala.
By the burning fire.
Matahari bersinar di langit,
The sun shines in the sky,
Api menyala
The fire is burning
Lepas kendali
Out of Control
Dan aku tidak ingin mati!
And I don’t wanna die!