lagu Richard Gere featuring Renee Zellweger – Terjemahan Lirik We Both Reached For The Gun

Richard Gere featuring Renee Zellweger | Judul Lagu: We Both Reached For The Gun

Where'd you come from?
Dari mana asalmu?


And your parents?
Dan orang tuamu?

Very wealthy.
Sangat kaya

Where are they now?
Dimana mereka sekarang?

Six feet under.
Enam kaki di bawah.

But she was granted one more start
Tapi dia diberi satu permulaan lagi

The convent of The Sacred Heart!
Biara Hati Kudus!

When'd you get here?
Kapan kamu sampai disini?


How old were you?
Berapa usia Anda?

Don't remember
Tidak ingat

Then what happened?
Lalu apa yang terjadi?

I met Amos
Aku bertemu Amos
And he stole my heart away
Dan dia mencuri hatiku
Convinced me to elope one day
Meyakinkan saya untuk kawin lari suatu hari

Oh you poor dear I cant beleive what you have been through A convent girl! A run-away marriage!
Oh sayang sayang aku tidak bisa percaya apa yang telah Anda lakukan melalui seorang gadis biara! Sebuah pernikahan yang kabur!
Now tell us roxie…
Sekarang beritahu kami roxie …

Who's Fred Casely?
Siapa Fred Casely?

My ex-boyfriend.
Mantan pacarku

Why'd you shoot him?
Kenapa kamu menembaknya?

I was leavin'.
Saya sedang leavin ‘.

Was he angry?
Apakah dia marah?

Like a madman
Seperti orang gila
Still I said, “Fred, move along.”
Masih saya bilang, “Fred, bergeraklah.”

She knew that she was doing wrong.
Dia tahu bahwa dia melakukan kesalahan.

Then describe it.
Lalu gambarkan itu.

He came toward me.
Dia mendekatiku.

With the pistol?
Dengan pistolnya?

From my bureau.
Dari biro saya

Did you fight him?
Apakah kamu melawan dia?

Like a tiger.
Seperti harimau.

He had strength and she had none.
Dia memiliki kekuatan dan dia tidak memilikinya.

And yet we both reached for the gun
Namun kami berdua meraih pistolnya
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes we both
Oh ya, oh iya, oh iya kami berdua
Oh yes we both
Oh ya kita berdua
Oh yes, we both reached for
Oh ya, kami berdua meraihnya
The gun, the gun, the gun, the gun
Senapan, pistol, pistol, pistolnya
Oh yes, we both reached for the gun
Oh ya, kami berdua meraih pistolnya
For the gun.
Untuk pistolnya.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes they both
Oh ya, oh iya, oh iya mereka berdua
Oh yes, they both
Oh ya, mereka berdua
Oh yes, they both reached for
Oh ya, mereka berdua meraihnya
The gun,