lagu Residents – Terjemahan Lirik Mickey The Mumblin Midget

Residents | Judul Lagu: Mickey The Mumblin Midget

Mickey the mumbling midget
Mickey si cebol yang gumam
was ten years old today
sudah sepuluh tahun sekarang
Mickey the mumbling midget
Mickey si cebol yang gumam
somehow ran away
entah bagaimana kabur
Mickey the mumbling midget
Mickey si cebol yang gumam
was not in his cage
tidak di kandangnya
Mickey the mumbling midget
Mickey si cebol yang gumam
soon would need a shave
sebentar lagi butuh bercukur
Lassie looked at something shapeless lying on the lawn
Lassie melihat sesuatu yang tak berbentuk terbaring di halaman
Scratchy at some scabby sores and stretching as it
Goresan di beberapa luka gatal dan peregangan seperti itu
It seemed to be uneasy as it looked up at the moon
Rasanya tidak nyaman saat melihat ke bulan
She sensed the tension in the air and smelled a sweet
Dia merasakan ketegangan di udara dan berbau manis
Pungent was the warm aroma drifting in the air
Pungent adalah aroma hangat yang melayang di udara
She hoped he would smell her heat and lick her
Dia berharap bisa mencium bau panasnya dan menjilatnya
silken hair.
rambut sutra
Run Mickey run
Jalankan Mickey
Run Lassie
Jalankan Lassie

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