Di bagian ironbound dekat Avenue L
where the Portuguese women come to see what you sell
dimana wanita Portugis datang untuk melihat apa yang Anda jual
the clouds so low the morning so slow
Awan begitu rendah pagi sangat lambat
as the wires cut through the sky
Saat kabel menembus langit
The beams and bridges cut the light on the ground
Balok dan jembatan memotong lampu di tanah
into little triangles and the rails run round
ke segitiga kecil dan relnya berputar
through the rust and the heat
melalui karat dan panasnya
the light and sweet coffee color of her skin
Warna kopi yang ringan dan manis di kulitnya
Bound up in wire and fate
Terikat dalam kawat dan takdir
watching her walk him up to the gate
Melihat dia mengantarnya sampai ke pintu gerbang
in front of the ironbound school yard.
di depan halaman sekolah besi.
Kids will grow like weeds on a fence
Anak-anak akan tumbuh seperti rumput liar di pagar
She says they look for the light they try to make sense.
Dia bilang mereka mencari cahaya yang mereka coba masuk akal.
They come up through the cracks
Mereka muncul melalui celah-celah
Like grass on the tracks
Seperti rumput di jalur
She touches him goodbye.
Dia menyentuh dia selamat tinggal.
Steps off the curb and into the street
Langkah-langkah di pinggir jalan dan masuk ke jalan
the blood and feathers near her feet
darah dan bulu di dekat kakinya
into the ironbound market
ke pasar besi
In the ironbound section near Avenue L
Di bagian ironbound dekat Avenue L
where the Portuguese women come to see what you sell
dimana wanita Portugis datang untuk melihat apa yang Anda jual
the clouds so low the morning so slow
Awan begitu rendah pagi sangat lambat
as the wires cut through the sky
Saat kabel menembus langit
She stops at the stall
Dia berhenti di kios
fingers the ring
jari-jari cincin itu
opens her purse
membuka dompetnya
feels a longing
Merasa rindu
away from the ironbound border
jauh dari batas besi
“Fancy poulty parts sold here.
“Bagian pallage mewah dijual disini.
Breasts and thighs and hearts.
Payudara dan paha dan hati.
Backs are cheap and wings are nearly free.
Punggungnya murah dan sayapnya hampir bebas.
Nearly free”
Hampir bebas “